Manuscript Coaching and Written Feedback
Detailed written feedback as well as a one hour zoom session,
Service Description
As the author of your unique and fabulous story, you’ll need in-depth feedback on the world, characters, and story you’ve begun to create. We’ll both read your manuscript and provide extensive written feedback. This is not an edit. Although there will be a discussion of things like sentence flow, wording, and style, we’re going to look at the big picture, and we’re also going to take deep dives into what you’ve created so far. Manuscript Coaching includes: 1. A detailed analysis of the essence of the story you’re telling. 2. A discussion about characters, character development, and voice. 3. Plot analysis and development. 4. Structural strengths and weaknesses. 5. Genre expectations. You will receive a written document that outlines what we see in detail. Your Manuscript Coaching experience will also include a (one hour) talk or Zoom to dig into the report and how you might develop your next steps as inspired by the feedback. You’ll also receive a heavy dose of encouragement to go with concrete ideas for moving forward and then we will part ways. This service also includes an author gift basket full of things to help and inspire you.